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In the Classroom

From the author, Mary Lou Lydecker:

As a former elementary music teacher, I was and am always looking for books that:


  1. Challenge students to use critical thinking while reading, yet have fun story lines.

  2. I can add sounds to both with classroom instruments, when available, or with everyday ordinary things at hand such as pencil taps, homemade drums and shakers, finger snaps, feet stomps, clicks of tongue, etc. to further engage students into the story.

  3. Have reoccurring “catch phrases” that the students can verbally repeat with appropriate inflection and thus become more engrossed into the action.

  4. I can take further – perhaps putting this book on as a play or have the children themselves create musical accompanying sounds. Enlarging the four main characters’ faces to make child size masks is an added fun element for the play.


I have included discussion questions at the end of the story and added music and sound suggestions to enhance the reading of the story and the engagement of the students.

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